The day may come when your parents find it more difficult to take care of their financial matters. Your help can make a difference, whether it’s in the form of your time, advice or financial assistance.
Read MoreGood credit is important whenever you need to borrow to accomplish your goals—say, to buy a car, start a new business or put a downpayment on a home. So, how can you keep your credit score with Canada’s credit bureaus (Equifax and TransUnion) healthy, so your loans get approved at the best possible rate?
Read MoreIt’s called the retirement risk zone—the period of several years before your retirement date and the initial years of your retirement. The risk is a severe market downturn and its impact on your retirement savings.
Read MoreA wealth plan identifies your life goals and provides you with a personalized wealth management strategy to meet your financial milestones and achieve each objective. However, a wealth plan isn’t something you set and forget.
Read MoreFind money-saving opportunities this tax season
Every year, inevitably, April 30 rolls around. In the weeks leading up to the personal income tax return filing deadline, many across Canada brace themselves for the ordeal of getting their financial paperwork in order. Few enjoy the process of preparing to file their taxes. But what may seem like a chore is also an excellent prompt to discover tax-saving strategies that can help you this year and in years to come.
Read MoreDo you check your bank and credit card transactions
Recently, a British Columbia resident discovered they had unknowingly been paying another person’s cell phone bill for five years. That’s the sort of false charge that could have been caught and stopped immediately by regularly monitoring transactions.
Read MoreTake advantage of family and caregiving benefits
When you raise a child or help support a dependent family member, you’re sure to face extra costs. Here are some common family and caregiving situations and associated benefits from the federal government that can help you meet your financial needs.
Read MoreMaking the most of a First Home Savings Account
Months after the federal government launched the First Home Savings Account (FHSA), more than 20 financial institutions are offering FHSAs, and Canadians are opening accounts by the tens of thousands.
If you have a child or grandchild eligible for an FHSA, here are some strategies and considerations to help with your and their decisions.
Read MoreWealth planning is different when you’re single
According to Statistics Canada, the number of Canadians living alone has reached a record high. In fact, the one-person household is the most common household type.
Financial life is different for singles compared to families or couples without children. Here are some of the ways singles can plan for those differences.
Read MoreIs an RRSP still worthwhile?
There’s a myth that surfaces every once in a while. It suggests a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) isn’t worthwhile because of the tax on eventual withdrawals.
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